About Us

Who We Are

Welcome to Tech at Your Tip, your go-to source for everything tech. Owned by The HK Online, our mission is simple: “To help you get the most out of technology.”

According to our tagline, “ALL ABOUT TECH,” we teach how to understand and use technology in daily life. Whether it’s mastering your phone, optimizing your streaming device or PC, exploring new apps and websites, or understanding technical concepts, we will provide all the tips, tricks, and techniques. Our articles are easy to understand for everyone, and even tech enthusiasts will find something useful.

Our team explores major platforms like smartphones, tablets, computers & laptops, streaming devices, and gaming consoles.

In addition to our blog, we post videos on YouTube, Instgram and share updates on social media about the latest technology trends.

Our Team

Harish Kumar

Chief Executive Officer, The HK Online

Harish Kumar, as CEO of The HK Online, directs the publication of articles focusing on smartphones and social media. He offers valuable tips and tricks on the latest technology, making it easier for all users to understand. Additionally, he creates informative videos demonstrating practical applications of everyday technology. He plays a pivotal role in overseeing all content management on the website, ensuring a comprehensive and user-friendly experience for visitors seeking insights into modern tech solutions.

Gokul Devarajan

Chief Administrative Officer, The HK Online

Gokul Devarajan serves as the Chief Administrative Officer at The HK Online, bringing over 8 years of expertise in editing and writing. He oversees a dedicated team focused on producing informative articles covering topics such as Airdrop, Homekit, and infotainment. Gokul also leads efforts in video editing, ensuring engaging content for social media and other platforms. His role is instrumental in maintaining high editorial standards and delivering valuable tech insights to our audience.

Sandeep Gunasekaran

Chief Financial Officer, The HK Online

Sandeep serves as the CFO at The HK Online, where he oversees the reviews program, managing hands-on testing, editing, and publishing. With a background as a technology editor and writer since 2016, he leads a team dedicated to producing articles on Smart TVs, Smartwatches, and Soundbars. Sandeep’s role ensures that readers receive accurate and insightful content to make informed decisions about their tech investments.

Sownder Kumar

Chief Human Resources Officer, The HK Online

Sownder, serving as the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) at The HK Online, brings a passion for computers and gaming to his role. He oversees a dedicated team focused on crafting informative articles covering Computers and Gaming. With a commitment to user-centric content, Sownder has led the production of thousands of valuable articles over the years, enriching the tech community with practical insights and expertise.


RajKumar is the Operations Manager at The HK Online and serves as a senior editor at techatyourtip.com. Since 2016, he has built a strong background in writing, editing, and publishing articles. In his role, RajKumar oversees all articles published on the site, ensuring they meet high standards. His work covers a wide range of topics, including how-to tutorials, troubleshooting guides, software reviews, and much more. His experience and dedication help provide clear and helpful content for all readers.


Kabithra is the Head of Communications at The HK Online and a senior editor at techatyourtip.com. She oversees all article publishing on the site and ensures the content is accurate and relevant. With a wealth of experience in writing, editing, and publishing articles since 2016, Kabithra brings a high level of expertise to her role. She strategically manages the content on the site to ensure it remains up-to-date and valuable for readers.


Monishaa is a dedicated content writer at The HK Online, with over two years of experience writing about technology. An avid movie and TV streamer, she enjoys exploring new technological advancements. Monishaa ensures that her articles are always up-to-date, providing valuable and current information to users.

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